Balluff: sensors for high tech and robotics

Balluff sensors for high tech and robotics

Which sensor technology will give you a reliable solution for your high-tech or robotics application? To answer that question, knowledge of technologies and integration is essential. All the more so if you must deal with challenging environmental conditions or if you require highly reliable detections and accuracies. Using our specific expertise and R&D capacity, we integrate the most suitable sensor solution for you.

Integrating innovative sensors together

For the integration of sensors in the high-tech and robotics market, we collaborate with Balluff. Some 80% of Balluff’s product offering is focused on the large series found in industrial automation. The other 20% concentrates on specialties in high-tech and robotics, where Balluff’s and our skills intersect and strengthen each other. Here, Balluff has all the right production and technological expertise in house and we assist you with our knowledge of application and integration.

With so many different sensor technologies on the market, however, you can never be an expert in everything. Based on your needs, our R&D Engineers research technologies that fit your application. Their efforts are supported in part by the knowledge and experience of Balluff.

A sensor integration project is about the right relationship among quality, price, performance and lead time. You may already have a potential solution in mind. But is that the best achievable technology or solution for your machine?

Together with you, we identify this solution while going through the process steps that are based on automotive quality. That’s how we — in collaboration with the right partners — develop and integrate the correct and reliable sensor solution for you.

Sensors for high-tech and robotics

In addition to solutions for high-tech and robotics, we are also familiar with applications for agricultural vehicles, laboratories and the medical sector.

With the support of Balluff, we integrate the following technologies:

  • Namur sensor technology
    Namur is a two-wire sensor technology with a reduced voltage of 8.2 VDC. Because of the low voltage and intrinsic safety, this technology is often used in explosion-proof environments, such as ATEX zones.

    These properties, combined with its low power and ability to detect four conditions, ensure that Namur is a familiar name in the high-tech industry. For instance, the semiconductor market has adapted this sensor technology at an early stage. Namur is able to detect the following four conditions: short-circuit, wire breakage, metal, and non-metal.

  • Sensors for EUV and vacuum environments
    Developments within the semiconductor market are continuously setting new requirements for the choice of technology. One example of this is the advent of Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography (EUV). Along with extremely clean process and production environments, EUV is the driving force for the development of specialized sensor technologies and the materials used.

    The interaction among the right technologies, materials and designs provides sensor solutions that are suitable for highly demanding ambient conditions in vacuum or EUV environments. A high level of reliability and constant quality make sensors for EUV and vacuum conditions suitable for the high-tech and robotics market, as well.

  • RFID technology
    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) enables the non-contact detection of objects. This technology helps to automate manual processes, such as the management of warehouse and product flows.

    With a broad range of products, a solution can be found for all common frequencies, including the frequencies LF, HF and UHF. This non-contact technology prevents wear and tear and is therefore generally applicable and reliable over the long term.

Who is Balluff?

As a manufacturer of sensor technologies, Balluff is a partner in the field of industrial automation. They innovate continuously and focus on quality.

Balluff, with its passion for automation, assists in the optimization of projects. They do this with their continuous guidance of processes and creation of new approaches. /p>

Balluf is located in more than 65 countries worldwide. This is how they can help machine builders even better with sensor solutions.

What you need to know about future sensor technologies

In your search for the right sensor, you want to be prepared for the future of sensors. What do smart sensors and sensor data fusion hold in store?

Our list of 21 technological trends in sensor application gives you a complete picture.

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Peter Verstappen

"The greatest challenge in each design is using the available technologies to tackle the technical question from an engineering perspective. This is the point where sensor technology knowledge, application, innovation and design intersect."

e-mail Peter

or call +31 73 2200 002


Technical PDF

Would you like to know more (technically) about Namur, EUV-compatibility and RFID technology? These PDFs (max. 1.11 mb) will get you right up to speed on all the possibilities!

Our partner:

Balluff is our partner in production and technological expertise who enables us to assist you with our knowledge of application and integration.


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