Force and moment sensors

In many industrial processes, force is an important measurement. For example, how much force is being exerted on a machine part? Or how much mass is being added to something? Imagine an application where you want to bond two materials: force is an important indicator in making the process uniform, reproducible, and transparent.

The moment is derived from force. It is calculated by multiplying the output of the sensor by the arm on which it is mounted. Torque can be measured in the same way. This can provide useful information about drive shafts or applications where a rotating arm presses against something.

What are your environmental requirements?

One useful application for a force sensor is where mass indicates the amount of product remaining, such as in a machine with a glue or paint reservoir. You could of course solve this with a level sensor, but you can also measure the mass of the entire housing plus content. One advantage of that is the sensor doesn’t come into contact with potentially harmful vapors or other aggressive media.

When Sentech receives a request, the first thing it studies is the application. What kind of environment does it concern? Is it static or dynamic? Is it a stationary setup or on a moving truck, with all kinds of associated vibrations and disturbances? How much force has to be measured, and what is the minimum force difference that has to be detected? Also, what will the measurement ultimately be used for?

Load cells

Measuring forces

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