David Reuijl

Hi, my name is David Reuijl. Within the RD&E department, I am a Senior R&D Engineer. In my opinion, this is the greatest job you can have in our company. I put the latest sensors to the test.

For instance, I write embedded software to download data from sensors, and I use programmable logic to guarantee that signals are sampled at the same moment. But I also build setups to test the effects of varying physical quantities on sensor performance.

For my work, I regularly look for eager students who want to carry out their own project. It must be a project that is within the parameters of a (currently) relevant subject at Sentech.

I also make sure that Sentech’s most promising technologies get the attention they deserve. This allows us to effectively respond to future market demands. We are also gaining expertise in sensor technologies that are relatively undiscovered yet.

What I really like about my job is that I come into contact with the latest technologies. And I am given a lot of freedom to be creative when carrying out projects. I enjoy working with technologies in a hands-on manner.

To me, Sentech is a great employer that has its processes in order. Moreover, the RD&E group is a close team and is full of energy. This motivates me to do my best at work.

In my spare time, I exercise a little to keep fit and I do odd jobs in and around my home. In addition, I have quite a few hobbies. I enjoy learning new things that also are useful in my work.

e-mail David

or call: +31 73 2200 505


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