Hermen Kobus

In my role as CEO, I ‘m ultimately responsible and accountable for Sentech’s strategy, for driving further growth, expanding our business and managing overall operations.

Introducing new developments that make the utmost possible in our customers’ machines has been my passion and source of energy now for many years. In close cooperation with these innovative customers, I really enjoy seeing how we can provide a further increase in added value for them. The way I see it, added value is always customer-specific.

It’s in my nature to be curious and strive for better, so that means I’m always looking for the question behind the question. I like to challenge customers to initiate projects in cooperation with Sentech, promising that we on our part will offer them a full-service solution.

As far as I’m concerned, when I commit to a challenge, it implies unconditional acceptance of anything that comes my way. I get a massive kick out of watching projects develop from initial concept to final product in a way that the customer didn’t envisage was even possible!

That’s it for this brief introduction. It’s my privilege to lead our fantastic team of Sentrepreneurs into and through the next phase of growth. A phase where growth and securing continuity will keep clashing. A phase in which new talents will begin to blossom and in which we build the future for all of us with this fantastic team!

e-mail Hermen

or call +31 73 2200 027


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